The Gifts of the Akasha
Let’s demystify some things, shall we? At least as much as we can demystify a quantum field of consciousness that lies in-between the space of all things.
When I first went into a training that taught us how to access and work with this field called the Akashic Records, I just about let myself out the room. I can guarantee you, about half the cohort was thinking the same thing. I’m trained in biochemistry and have worked in the sciences my entire life, so this was a big leap for me at the time. I’d been fascinated by all things consciousness and have personal reasons for thinking that these fields of interaction are not just a gimmick. This training proved my hypothesis correct and showed me that anyone can learn how to do this. Yes, anyone.
Although, it helps if you meditate and have explored altered states of consciousness. I’ll get back to that in a second.
What are the Akashic Records?
Akasha is a Sanskrit word that means ‘primary substance’ or ‘ether’ or ‘world-space’. You can think of it as the 5th element (well, really the first element) wherein all other elements can be materialized. It is the space between space, and it has its own consciousness. This is antithetical to how we think of space as being nothingness and empty. Every thought creates an impulse, and this is recorded on this field. Imagine a boat moving through water, as it moves it creates a wake, an imprint upon the water. This is a similar concept, except the wake is always present. If you can learn how to access this field, you can access the information that it holds.
What are some of the benefits from doing this? Ooof, so many. Clarity is certainly one, anywhere you’ve been feeling stagnant, the information that comes forth can help either solidify that you are on the right track or offer targeted information to help you feel into a new way. You will only ever get information that you are ready for. That being said, it’s important how we ask questions of this field. Time is tricky in other dimensions, so the questions asked are most effective in a certain format. What, Why, How. Notice I left out When.
OK, back to the room full of nervous skeptics.
If you are really interested in the power and potential of this work, it requires you to suspend the disbelief. That is surprisingly more difficult to do than I thought. You must find a place in yourself that believes you can do something like this. You must believe, if only for a moment, that this field exists. *Cue worthiness work (but that’s for another time).
Everything changed for me in our first partner practice. We had been working with our intuition and a specific meditative process that helps you to connect to a specific section of the records and put your self-centeredness to the side so that you can serve someone’s highest good (even if that’s yourself). I got paired with a lovely woman and we were both equally freaked out to try and read each other. As much as I had attempted to put it aside, I still felt the pressures of what if everyone else can do this, but I can’t? What if I’m completely deluding myself here? I tried to remind myself of the validity of where my intuition leads me, so I dove in, and so did she.
So, let’s back up a bit further. I had opened the records once before this by myself, for myself. We were required to try it cold before the training. I suppose that’s what kept me going to the training, because if this sounds epic, that’s because it was. It was immediate, almost before I finished my meditation to officially access the records. I had a cosmic rush of energy flow through my whole body. I had flashes of ancient scenes and a literal parting of the seas in my mind’s eye. It was overwhelming to say the least, and took a great deal to just stay with it. But I now understand that the energy comes first, the information second. It takes our analytical minds awhile to decipher the energetic impulses. I had never experienced anything quite like that, and I had been meditating for years.
Now, back to my first reading with another human. We stayed mostly silent the whole time, not really acknowledging whether one or the other was onto something or not. In retrospect, we probably should have at least given each other an idea that were onto something because it literally felt like I was shooting in the dark communicating these odd inclinations that came forward to me and that I had no reference for. But once we were both done reading for each other, our mouths fell open for how on point the information was. I had said something that she had just put in her journal. She had communicated some very relevant specifics about decisions I was trying to make at the time. Even something that made no sense then, but as I read my old journal back, was clearly a foreshadowing. Each time we did it (with different people), it got more and more compelling. The more you realized that this information is real, the better you got at surrendering to it.
There’s a few things I’ve learned about accessing this field of information and working with others. First, you are not putting all of yourself to the side to access this field, but you are putting aside your ego. The ego cannot travel through other dimensions with ease. Second, many times I get information very physically. Depending on who I’m reading it can get to the point of overwhelm, which isn’t necessarily bad, it just means a LOT of information is trying to come through. When I don’t understand an image or a communication, I can ask the field and the beings that surround it. It’s a process of putting a puzzle together, but the pieces are interdimensional.
I also don’t think that accessing these records all the time is necessary. It’s a very delicate field, which may very well be why there are beings that interface with it on our behalf. We need to be cognizant of the impact our accessing this field may have and do so with deep intention. I often tell people that this is not about fortune telling (though you may very well get that kind of information IF it’s of value for your path) but it is about guidance. It’s a fantastic tool to get out of your analytical mind which we place far too much emphasis on in our culture and connect with the cosmic mind. The knowing without having a reason to know. All the answers are there within you and around you.
If you aren’t familiar with these altered states of consciousness, this can all sound hella woo woo. I believe this will be just as commonplace someday as pulling up a new website for more information. Obviously, if this does become more widely known and used, there could be dark sides to having this kind of access, but I also don’t believe we are the first beings to be able to read this information. There are checks and balances already in place, beings that are dedicated to serving as facilitators between us and the akasha.
So, in the spirit of experimentation, I invite you to try and suspend your disbelief for just a moment and explore your own intuition. Try a reading, or better yet, learn how to access this quantum field of information yourself. The only thing you have to lose is the limits you’ve placed on the possibilities our world may hold.